一月到紐約看戲順便去了一趟位於23街的Dharma Yoga Center,去上我瑜珈老師的老師的課。
我的太老師-Shri Dharma Mittra生於巴西,從十幾歲便開此學習瑜伽,自1967年開始傳授古典瑜珈,至今已經51年。
我那天上的90分鐘課程叫做'Maha Shakti',根據課程解說:
This series is designed to help advance students in their posture practice. It will support health to the entire bodily system through a series of balancing, stretching, back bending, twisting and inverted variations, including stepping stones to the Headstand. Concludes with recharge and rejuvenate the physical and emotional body.
這個瑜伽教室位於23街地鐵站附近,位於六樓,佔地頗大。最貼心的是為遠道而來的學員整理附近的旅館與停車場,許多瑜珈老師來此再度進修。Dharma Yoga Center提供非常多元的課程,也有師資訓練,我在這裡上課感到很溫暖愉快,下次到紐約時間允許的話還會再去練習。
Dharma Yoga Center: 61 West 23 rd St., 6th Floor New York, NY, 10010
TEL: 212-889-8160
地鐵 F, M, N, R, W, 23rd St.